In the past few years, websites have been one of the most efficient ways for schools to provide information to their community. It is important that your school website is simply structured to make it easy for parents and learners to use, keeping it up-to-date with the most recent events and news in your organisation.
To offer some more insights, we have compiled a few key reasons why your school website could need updating, and what it should include.
“As a parent, I used to check the school’s website every few weeks for term dates and inset days. I now check it every day for up-to-date information and live updates on school news and activities, book clubs, and make payments.”
The preferred communication tool for parents and school staff
If a parent or learner has a question, the first thing they’re likely to do is check your website; a lack of information could then lead them to phone or email the organisation instead. By including frequently asked questions and the most up-to-date relevant content, the number of calls and emails to the school would decrease and parents would be much happier.
A wealth of information for prospects
If parents and guardians of potential new students are interested in your school, the more information you provide on your website, the more likely you are to make an impression. It’s important to try to enter the mind of a prospective new parent and ensure you can provide an answer to all of their questions.
Furthermore, you should include photographs and videos of your students and facilities. This gives a visitor a more familiar welcome, because they will see what your organisation is all about in just a few clicks. Did you know can get bespoke photography and/or video services with us? Contact our team to find out more.
Reflect your school’s branding
Photos and videos are not the only way to show your school’s ethos on your website. Through a tailored school website design service, you will be able to showcase your logo and signature colours which will make the website more unique and will stay true to your brand.
Our website design team works closely with your organisation throughout the whole designing and building process. Whatever you want your website to look like, our team will go above and beyond to accomplish it.
Publish your term calendar
By publishing a term calendar on your school website, you can reduce the number of parent calls to the school significantly. Every time parents and guardians or students ask questions about school closures or events, redirect them to the school website calendar and they will make it a habit to check it every so often. This way, families will be more engaged with your organisation and attendance rates at your events would improve.
Parent portal
Having a ‘Parent Portal’ would be a great idea to redirect parents and learners to any online platforms you use. For instance, if you are a WisePay customer, a great idea would be to add a page or section on your school website dedicated to WisePay. Not only can you get parents and learners to login from there, you can also provide some information about the system to prospects or new students. Think about providing a step-by-step guide on how to download and use the app, and make it an interactive section for parents and guardians or students to engage with.
If you already have a school website, think about updating it. Does it need a new look, new pages, new information? Our team can help, whether you’d like to update your current school website or you want to start from scratch. Check out our school website design services and their benefits, and contact our team to arrange a chat.